Musings · Random Thoughts


Somewhere between watching horror movies in an empty classroom and playing Pictionary, their college life ended.

Life happened.
Gang drifted apart.

Promises to meet every month got broken.

Few got married.
Few went abroad.
Few got a steady job.
Few traveled or stayed home.

Conversations that had lasted for hours, reduced to seconds.
Messages that used be sent every hour became fickle, hardly sent every day, every week or even every month.

Some made new friends.
Some had old friends.
Some became alone once again.

Every once in a while one would reminiscence the old days and scroll through the photos or hit a group chat.

Group chat would smile a small smile for someone had remembered.
Not daring to smile big for it knew conversations wouldn’t last even a day, for it knew it would be forgotten once again.

Life had taken a new turn with new paths.

Once when everyone had converged at a place.
Now they diverged from the same place.



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